Thursday, November 1, 2007

Rosie the riveter, Mike, and 2 robots walk into a pub...

Eva was helping Doug paint...

Beka was Rosie the Riveter.

Doug was Mike from Mystery Science Theatre.

Our wonderful host that takes care of us each week, Carolina and her husband Dan.
Doug managed to win most obscure erudite costume which meant a $15 gift certificate to a local grocery store.

Beka managed to win for the costume that most represented Union's values and a $20 gift certificate to the same local grocery store.

Mason won first place with his baby Jesus costume... absolutely awesome! ↓

With a snarling professor Snape →

And Jerry as Jeremy Kirk ↓

Joe was the Bran in Raisin Bran (there were two raisins running around too!)

So this was really funny when it happened... but the picture makes no sense now. →

We liked the guy who dressed as a Mormon and then handed these out to people...

Outside →

Inside ↓

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