Monday, January 12, 2009

wall boob

So Beka was relaxing after preaching... she heard some water and thought it was the water being released from the shower pipe, but it kept going. After looking she found that the bathroom had, literally sprung a leak. A steady stream of water was coming out of the wall and going into the toilet/litter box.

So she called the super in a panic and tried to mop up water with towels. It was bubbling from the wall, collecting in the light and dripping from the ceiling.

The super couldn't figure out what was the problem... and unfortunately, the bubbles of water kept coming even after Doug got home and so we needed to pop them to get the water out. But the super told us he would be back the next day to figure it out and fix everything...

1 comment:

thenikkib said...

your wall has never looked so sexy to me than it does right now!