Today we got 6+ inches of snow. By the afternoon is was all slush and wet again...

So Beka made some soup...

And strawberry smores for desert... a true culinary feat.
Also, since Doug got the wireless up and running here, maybe posts will be more frequent again... Assuming we do anything worth taking pictures of...
Ummm...what the hell are those things in it that look like goat testicles? I was thinking that perhaps you made hamburger soup as that always tastes good on a cold, wet day and you can make it with ground turkey and it tastes just as good.
Wow. They are matzo balls. Doug taught me how to make matzo ball soup. Someone hasn't ever taught me how to make hamburger soup...
That's funny - she taught ME how to make hamburger soup...and I'm not even related. Hmmmmmm....
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