A few weeks ago Beka caught a quick glimpse of Eddie Izzard's face and the phrase "death or cake?" in the newspaper of the person next to her on the subway. After a brief investigation and an email to Doug, we had two tickets to one of Eddie Izzard's stand up shows.

We looked nice and had some

The theatre was in Union Square. Without fail, if we go to an event in Union Square, it will rain. (Rufus Wainright, Anne Lamott, Karaoke with Missy and Heather... all rained on)

While people were sitting, Beka was trying to discretely spell "uncouth" in a text to Nikki about the uncouthness of people singing and dancing to Chumbawumba's Tubthumping in public. Soon after Beka put her phone down, there was cheer and Eddie Izzard came out to a sold out audience.

Trying to be more discrete than some, Beka avoided using a flash, until he was taking his final bow.

His routine was filled with religious commentary and was, of course, hilarious. As we were gathering our things, an older woman behind us said to Beka, "Why, you certainly were enjoying yourself!" Beka in turn mumbled to Doug, "I'm in seminary. That was friggin funny."
He is kicking off a national tour —
Stripped. (a la Xtina?) He will be coming near some of our favorite people in Philadelphia, Ohio, Minneapolis, Dallas, Miami, Tampa, and LA. And of course, back to New York in June. :)