GP and Dana gave us the snake and grillz...
Once home, we opened various packages that came in the mail from Nikki, and Doug's present for Beka that came late.
As we opened these things, we listened to Doug's gift from Beka that came late... the vinyl of Weezer's latest red album. (And it is actually red!)
Here's the assortment of things our lovely friends and families got for us... photos of both of us are brought to you by the infrared remote to Beka's new camera.
Nikki got Beka the gator apron and gator necklace.
Beka's Mom also got us the Thornhill University shirts (and so we had to act like a college brochure).
And Doug got Beka a silkscreening kit.
We had some fun with the remote... This photo is a recreation of this HIMYM moment.

Thank you everyone!!