1. Back to School -- Eva was ready
2. We took Eva outside on a leash -- just to see what she'd do. She hated it.
3. Pushkin was jealous. So we put Eva in and brought him out and he loved it. Then Eva was jealous.
4. Eva's jealousy pushed her to new lows.
5. Beka saw lil'john on the street randomly. He was trying to get people to buy pizza. Later in the day, Mark McGrath and Meatloaf were scheduled to show. Beka didn't stay.
6. Who knew that you could stuff and bake those itty bitty little pumpkins?
7. We payed a visit to Monster at the Brooklyn Brewery while Nate and Laura payed us a visit.
8. Doug drank a bulldog. For real -- thats what they called they Beer-garita.
9. 5 people for trivia means we buy our beer the economical way -- in bulk.
10. While handing out candy to neighborhood kids on Halloween, Doug started to play with it...