Friday, October 26, 2007

so we can all rest easy tonight

In Doug's pondering's of halloween costumes, he came up with the idea of being the crosswalk signal -- wearing all black and outlining himself in white lights. Then he goes, "It'd be cool if I could flip a switch and then have a ———— appear."

Doug thinks it is an orange hand.
Beka thinks it is a red hand.

So being reasonable individuals, we asked our friends and family. We emailed. Beka posted on Facebook. We even asked 2 people on the street (Ok, Ok, it wasn't two strangers on the street, we already knew Alison and Brian).

So here go some answers:

We asked people from across the nation this question in a way that did not suggest a color to respond with. This resulted in answers we were not intending like, amber, blue, and "any color".
Two people followed their answer with, I hope you're right Beka! comments (Although Doug exaggerates this number).
But apparently a good issue as only two people did not respond and there were some detailed comments:

"Personally I don't care what color they are...they just don't give old farts like me enough time to putter across before they stick that damn hand up there...then I don't know if I should go back where I came from or just hall ass to the other side. Sheesh...control-freak nazi bastards!"

"We could go with the existential argument that color only exists because we say it does."

Oh wait, those are both Beka's mother — who never responded with a color...

"the answer is clearly orange. It is not red. Because it is a Stop signal, I think many of us would automatically think that it's red. However, red is wrong"

"when this email came through, I scanned it quick and saw the words "domestic dispute", "white person" and "color" and started to panic, thinking this was going to be some kind of racial thing."

Also brought up was the question of how fast one was traveling, the fact that the town where they resided just got a first traffic light in recent past, and the use of the proper Crayola definitions.

Doug looked it up on the DOT website. Apparently the DOT says it is orange. Doug took this as a victory, however, Beka thinks perception is still a stronger indicator.

9 people said red (plus two who followed their comment with, "but it should be red")
6 people said orange
6 said red-orange
1 said amber, and
2 fall in the any/other category

Beka thinks this speaks for itself.


bewedge said...

OMG...why didn't you wait a couple seconds and take a picture of the little hand (reference first picture posted)!!!!!?????

Tura said...

I figured my thought process of "it begins red and then fades to orange over time" was a good one.... lol

You had me at Merlot. said...

YOU ARE THE BIGGEST DORKS. YOU ARE PERFECT FOR EACHOTHER!! Even dorks can find true love, kids, take this as a lesson. There is someone for everone after all.