Tuesday, December 25, 2007

happy holidays friends!

If you have been visiting our blog in the past year, you know that we seem to have ridiculous disputes that we solve by dragging our friends and families into with their own individual perceptions. Here’s a chance to continue the time-honored tradition with a special holiday edition.

Let’s make sure you have the hang of this.
Sample Question:

Fill in the blank: Jesus ______ Christ.
a.) F.
b.) H.
c.) Q.
d.) Nothing. It is a blank.
Doug says b. Beka says d. You be the judge.

1.) Why do we put up Christmas lights?
a.) Doug’s birthday.
b.) to Oo and Ah
c.) So the M4 bus knows where to stop
d.) Runway for Reindeer

2.) What is the greatest holiday special/movie?
a.) A Christmas Story
b.) Ernest Saves Christmas
c.) Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer
d.) Charlie Brown Christmas

3.) In the second verse of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, the lyrics are, “now bring us some...”
a.) pudgy footing
b.) figgy pudding
c.) fudgy pudding
d.) piggy pudding

4.) How many pieces of chocolate does an Advent calendar have?
a.) 24
b.) 12
c.) 25
d.) Who knows? I’ve never had one.

5.) All we want for Christmas is:
a.) a Miami Dolphins victory and the zesty corn recipe from Havana Central.
b.) a 3 bedroom apartment and 42 kazoos.
c.) matching sweaters and wool socks.
d.) health, happiness, and good friends always near.

Please send your answers back to us at bekaanddoug@gmail.com.

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