Monday, March 17, 2008

st pattys day

Beka donned an orange dress and Doug a green shirt. We put some white flowers in a guiness pint and decorated with flags.
Beka played with food coloring to make a vegan shortbread flag.
(This is before it baked -- it looked a bit different after, but everyone liked it.)
As a few friends arrived, Doug started making Irish car bombs.
Bottoms up!
Beka made a corned beef brisket (which we got for 99 cents/lb).
And there was of course potatoes, cabbage (that was 9 cents/lb), and carrots.
Jesse made an amazing vegan corned beef. Who knew fake corned beef could be so good?
Doug kept playing bartender...
Given that it was also the start of Holy Week, we opted for the pints with the saints of new york and desperate situations.

Good times.

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