Wednesday, March 26, 2008

things that make photo blogs suck...

...broken cameras.

Beka's iPhone had a corrupted file in the photo roll. It took a little bit of time to realize the problem and fix, so here's what you would have seen pictures of:

• interesting subway art
• Doug getting video chat to work and chatting it up with Great Pumpkin
• Eva perching herself on Beka's lap and using the mouse with her paw (for reals).

Instead you get pictures of Pushkin playing in the box from Doug's new beer brewing kit and him trying to fit on Beka's lap and be comfortable.


Matt said...

What was the fix?

Rebekah said...

basically, find the corrupted file, delete it, erase iphone, restore iphone and ta da...

should be easy, but it was finding the corrupted file that took more time because I am the outsider using apple products with a PC...

Karen and Chris said...

What the heck is a corrupted file? Sounds pretty nasty to me.

Rebekah said...

Somehow an error was introduced into a settings file, so when the iphone accessed the file, it couldn't function properly... It can happen to any type of file. Operating systems can usually help fix this, but not always. I have lost old papers and such because of it becoming corrupted.

(if it wasn't obvious, Doug helped with this answer)

With my phone, Doug thinks that it happened when I got to a certain number of photos... it names them all IMG_#### but when it got to either 1000 or 1024 (which is 2^10 so that would mean the software thought it was a 10 bit system) it basically wasn't sure what to do with it. After we fixed this file, it started naming my photos IMG_####-1 etc... basically restarting all of the numbers...

This very well might have been more of an answer than you wanted...