We prepared for our hunt with french toast and pumpkin butter...
We then headed out to various thrift stores, H&M, the Levi's store, and the Greenmarket.
Our favorite mannequins are the ones without heads and holding a machete.
Oddly enough, Doug found the shirt he was wearing.
But by the end of the day, Doug found new jeans, new t-shirts, and a nice Banana Republic Hunka Chunka. Beka found a new fall coat (suitable for rainy days too), grey cords, a new shirt, and an interesting theological article from the newsstand. The trip was complete with new platters, lots of fresh fruits and veggies, and a street vendor yelling out "Ya don't get 5 pages in Vanity Fair with the shell game" as he tried to sell everyone some kitchen gadget that really did slice, dice, and make crinkle cut fries.
The kitties were happiest when we came home and let them play in the paper wrapping.
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