Tuesday, March 31, 2009

eva learns

Eva was hungry one night... so hungry that after we went to bed, she was chewing at the 30 lb bag of food. So Beka got out of bed and put the bag on the counter -- where Eva wasn't allowed to be. A little while later we heard the noise again but Doug got up for it. Beka mumbled as he was throwing his feet over the side, "Put it in the oven" and rolled back over into sleep. Doug put it in the hall closet instead.

By the next day, Eva had learned the new home of her precious food and rolled around on her back with her paws under the door. She of course stopped once Beka tried to take a picture, but she looked no less guilty.


You had me at Merlot. said...

she's so cute I could eat her.

Matt said...

I agree with Beka, you should've put the cat in the oven.