Tuesday, February 26, 2008

anne lamott

One of Beka's favorite authors was doing a reading/discussion/signing tonight in Union Square's Barnes and Noble.

So of course we went. And she was lovely.

She said things like, "Long term relationships are like pouring miracle grow on your personal defects."
And when describing the extravagant hotel room, "I have limited needs. Except emotional."
And (for Beka's Mom), when asked about her recent adventures she briefly talked about traveling to Africa saying, "I don't believe in flying." And continuing to tell how she asked for traveling mercies for her return flight only to be told, "By the time you get on the plane it's too late for prayer. It is time for serenity and surrender."

So then we waited in line to get two copies of her first novel signed; One for Beka and one for Becky because both of us love that book so much.

1 comment:

You had me at Merlot. said...

I'm speachless. Thats a fucking first. right??