Friday, February 22, 2008

pictures without people

As requested by many of you... here (finally) are some pictures of the new apartment without people. Here goes the grand tour...

First, the foyer.
To the left, the hall. To the right, the kitchen.

The kitchen. I took this from the living room through our passthrough.

Living room...

Living room/dining room...


Hallway. We painted it a midnight blue and then added little bronze stars. We put paper in the light to make it look like the moon. :)

New and improved bed (i.e. there is space on both sides, we don't have to climb over each other to get in or out...)

New Dresser and Wardrobe...

Beka's new desk...

We really, really like it here -- it seems to get better and better by the day.

So the offer is wide open now... come visit us! We're planning more get-togethers for all you folks in the city. As for the rest of you, take a plane, train, or automobile -- we'd love to have you. :)


ontheverge said...

strange question I know but is that Grandma & Grandpa's bed? It looks strangely familiar for some reason.

Beka & Doug said...

Yes, yes, it is. Mom held on to it for me. Someday we'll have a place large enough that I can trade Mom the piano for my keyboard...